Saturday, June 25, 2011

The "Golden Rule"

Dear Reader,
    Hello once again! yes it is me! the one they call...Tim. (if u get that reference, i salute you.)

    So as you see today i wish to talk about the "Golden Rule". i believe there is not really a golden rule. i think its just something said to keep us in control. and when i say us i mean society that questions the golden rule. people who generally but not always like to rebel. i think the golden rule is just something that makes reference to our morals in what we should or shouldn't do. a big band aid for every ones "boo-boo".something that is universally "good" or "golden" that we should all strive for.
   now you don't have to agree. there is actually probably not a lot of people that do. in fact if u do agree with what I'm saying, please comment. probably like you, i don't want to feel like I'm the only one that's crazy enough to think this. that would be nice =)
   so why then are we given a golden rule for all of us, when none of us are the same? how can we strive for the "same" thing, when we all see it differently? this is why i think there is no golden rule. i mean I'm saying I'm thinking so i could be wrong. i can always be wrong. but i just like to think, that's all.
   OK for example, because this is an art-ish moral site, lets relate it to art. i think a major rule in art is shading. you must always shade right and your piece will look complete. it would look finished. but then what would the abstract artist in me say? "shading is not necessary. heck sometimes its unwanted." different people with different views have different goals, so there for, i believe there is no such thing as a "Golden Rule."

    now why did this randomly come up u ask? because i thought of a very, very, good rule to fallow by. Never ever leave the cake baking in an oven until u have set the timer. yes. i figured this out yesterday. it was burnt.

    well till the next boring blog,

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